Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Scholarships for MLA & ITEM Virtual Conferences for Those New to the Profession, First-time Attendee, Student, or Unemployed


Scholarships for MLA & ITEM Virtual Conferences for Those New to the Profession, First-time Attendee, Student, or Unemployed

With travel curtailed and both conferences becoming virtual events, the Metronet Board has decided to redirect the Steltzner scholarship to cover MLA/ITEM member-rate registration for up to 22 applicants in the Metronet region who:

·    Have been in the profession five or fewer years & work in a Metronet member library, or

·    Will be attending MLA or ITEM for the first time & work in a Metronet member library, or

·    Are currently an unemployed librarian & seeking employment in a library, or

·    Are a student in a library science or library media certification program 

·    If you are a student or unemployed, you must live in the Metronet region. Staff from all types of libraries are encouraged to apply. Note that this does not disqualify you from applying for future Metronet scholarships under our guidelines.


This is a change for 2020 only and will be re-evaluated in 2021 based on conditions at that time.


Questions? Email 


More information


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Real Life Librarianship: A Metronet Wind Down Series


Real Life Librarianship
A Metronet Wind Down Series
Curious about the different types of libraries and the librarians who work in them? Thinking about where you might fit in the library world?
Join us in the Real Life Librarianship series to hear real librarians who do a variety of jobs in various libraries explain not only what day-to-day life is like doing these jobs but how to get there.
This would be useful for job seekers, library school students, & anyone who is looking to advance or change roles in a library, or anyone who is just curious about other people's jobs.
Wednesday, August 26
Upcoming panels in this series:
Public library jobs
Library Directors
Special Libraries
Government Libraries
and more!

Save the dates for future panels in this series:
September 9
September 23
October 7
October 21
All sessions will take place from 4-6pm.

If you are interested in being on one of these panels or know someone who would be a good panelist, email for more information.

Metronet: Learn more at

This event will be hosted via Zoom. It is free to attend. Register below and the Zoom link will be sent out the day before the event.