Tuesday, September 2, 2008

On-Campus Opportunity (non-library)

The MCTC Foundation is hiring student callers for our 1st annual phonathon. Students will be calling MCTC alumni to update our records and ask them to support the College with a financial contribution.

If you know of a student who is enthusiastic about MCTC, makes a great impression and wants to make a difference, please encourage them to apply.

Student callers could earn $8-$10/hr + bonuses.

All callers will have the opportunity to:

  • Develop great communication and leadership skills
  • Build their resume
  • Talk to interesting alumni
  • Meet more MCTC students
  • Work study and non-work study applicants are welcome. All callers must attend a training session. Hours are 5:30-9:00 PM Monday-Thursday, October 13-23.

    If you know a student interested in this short term, part time job, please have them contact Marni Harper at 612-659-6311 or email marni.harper@minneapolis.edu