Tuesday, February 23, 2016

ARLD Happy Hour During LibTech Conference, 3/16/16

Socializing/Networking opportunity!

LIT program students, faculty and graduates may be interested in attending this upcoming ARLD (the Minnesota Library Association's Academic and Research Libraries Division) happy hour in Minneapolis during the upcoming Library Technology Conference. You do not need to be attending the conference to attend this happy hour. This may be especially of interest if you are currently working in or would like to work in an academic library. Via the MLA website:

Date: Wednesday, 3/16/2016

Time: 5:30 pm


A La Salsa: Restaurante Mexicano & Bar,

In the Midtown Global Market

920 East Lake Street

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407


Amanda Mills - amanda.mills@minneapolis.edu


Academic library folks and other library friends- please join ARLD (MLA's Academic and Research Libraries Division) for a happy hour/social gathering of library folk during the Library Technology (LibTech) Conference (http://libtechconf.org/). Your current ARLD Chair and several other ARLD Board members will be in attendance! The happy hour will take place at A La Salsa (http://www.salsaalasalsa.com/alasalsa/index.html), in the Midtown Global Market. If you like margaritas, monographs, matriculation, and/or metadata, this is the happy hour for you! This location is conveniently located right next to the Sheraton Midtown, one of the conference hotels (so, conference attendees staying at the hotel can easily catch their shuttle back to the hotel at the end of the day and then join us.) There is also a parking ramp and a metered parking lot on either side (ramp on one side, lot on the other) of the Midtown Global Market. It is a relatively central location for an affordable cab/Uber/Lyft ride from various Twin Cities Locations, as well as a central transit hub (http://www.metrotransit.org/).