Wednesday, February 27, 2013

MCTC intent to Graduate form Due!

Are you graduating this Spring? If so, you need to file an INTENT TO GRADUATE form by Friday, March 1st

The form can be found here: 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Robert Street Social Centre Residency (for Zinesters!)

Want to get in touch with your creative side?

The Anchor Archive Zine Library/Roberts Street Social Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia
is accepting applications for its 2013 residency program.  

Residencies are two or three weeks long, and residents are provided with space, equipment and support for their projects.  

Proposals are invited for projects that embody the same sort of do-it-yourself spirit as the Social Centre, and that contribute in someway to the community and/or the space. They are looking for people who produce do-it-yourself work and people who like to help make it available to the public.  Consider zine cataloging or some kind of archival or web project!

More information, an application form, and lists of past projects are on the Roberts Street website: