Thursday, November 19, 2020

Extra Extra!!! Read all about the Library Information Technology news!

 Library Information Technology Newsletter: Fall 2020 edition 

Check it out, and click "Subscribe" in the upper left corner to be added to our mailing list to receive future issues.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Upcoming Webinar: "Reflecting on (our) whiteness in library science and librarianship" with Ray Lockman

Tuesday, December 15th, 10-11am 

jenny sippel will host Ray Lockman (they/them) in a conversation to explore questions, struggles, and emotions that have come up for us (and probably other white library workers) engaging in anti-racist work. Register here to join us for the live webinar. The webinar will be recorded and shared via our LIT blog and Spring 2021 newsletter! 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

2020 Civic Action Academy


2020 Civic Action Academy


The Iowa and Minnesota Campus Compact 2020 Civic Action Academy will be held on November 13 online. For the fourth year in a row, this unique professional development opportunity will bring students from Iowa and Minnesota together to learn new ways of making a difference and building skills through civic and community engagement. Sessions will offer skill-building in civic action including philanthropy, leadership, dialogue, advocacy, and more. Students will also have a chance to learn what others are doing on other campuses and network with peers.

The event is free to anyone from Iowa & Minnesota Campus Compact member campuses. Minneapolis College is a member campus!


Register Now




  • 12 pm - Opening Session & Keynote with Jason Sole
  • 12:45 pm - Affinity Groups
  • 1:45 pm - Break
  • 2:15 pm - Civic Action Lightning Talks (see below)
  • 3:15 pm - Break
  • 3:30 pm - Affinity Groups Meet with Speakers
  • 4:30 pm - Final Reflection Plenary and Presentation of Social Changemaker Challenge Winners


Check Out the Schedule & Directory


Meet our Speakers!


Jason Sole (he, him, his) works with organizations and individuals who believe that there must be equity for there to be freedom and that there must be a radical redefining of criminality for there to be justice. Currently an adjunct professor at Hamline University, he has been a criminal justice educator for over a decade.  In 2014, he published his memoir, From Prison to Ph.D.: A Memoir of Hope, Resilience, and Second Chances. Jason is also the co-founder of the Humanize My Hoodie Movement. 


State Representative Samantha Vang (she, her, hers) was elected in 2018 to serve Minnesota House District 40B. Rep. Vang currently serves as the Vice Chair of the Property and Local Tax Division. Rep. Vang also serves on the Agriculture and Food Finance, Capital Investment, and Higher Education Finance and Policy Divisions. She is Chair of the state's first Minnesota Asian Pacific Caucus and champions key policy initiatives to address inequities across the state.


Mandi McReynolds (she, her, hers) is an award winning author, educator, and practitioner-scholar. She has spent her career building community relations and leadership programs at a Fortune 250 company, three different higher education institutions, and a statewide nonprofit. As the Director of Environment, Social, and Governance, she guides the Principal® Foundation to imagine a future where all people, especially youth, have the opportunity to learn, earn, and save for lifelong financial security. 


Nate Monson (he, him, his) serves as Executive Director of Iowa Safe Schools – a position he has held since graduating college in 2007. Under Nate's leadership, Iowa Safe Schools has grown exponentially to one of the largest LGBTQ organizations in the nation. Nate has won several awards for his work including the 2017 Distinguished Alumni Rising Star Award from Clarke University, the 2018 Pride Person of the Year from Capital City Pride, and received the distinction of being named a 2020 Champion of Pride by The Advocate. 


Angelina Ramirez (she, her, hers) is a junior at Coe College and a first-generation student of color who firmly believes that it is her duty to empower disenfranchised voices and advocate for just and equal policies, programs, and opportunities to the people of her communities. She is co-founder and president of CoeVotes, a non-partisan club that works to empower student political voices. She is extremely active on campus, being part of several diversity groups in order to ensure the inclusion of students of color on campus.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

LIT Fall 2020 Event: Panel Discussion!


Minneapolis College’s Library Information Technology Program presents,


Anti-racism in Library Science and Librarianship:

A Virtual Panel Discussion


Saturday, October 10th, 2020 | 10am-12pm | Zoom!


Registration required: 


Join Library Information Technology program students and faculty for a panel discussion focused on exploring library science and librarianship with an anti-racist lens.



Honee Jam Collins (she/her) Librarian, Associate, Hennepin County Library

Alexis Haley-Brown (she/her), Hennepin County SCOPE Intern, Librarian

Tami Lee (she/hers), Children's Librarian II,

Tasha Nins (she/her), Children's Librarian, Middle Grade










Wednesday, September 2, 2020

MLA 2020 Virtual Conference



Registration is now open for the MLA 2020 Virtual Conference, September 30-October 2, 2020.

The MLA board decided in May to shift from an in-person conference to a virtual conference. With this change, the cost of the conference has been greatly reduced.

Now is the time to consider membership in the MLA. A student membership is a great value at $30.00/year. With membership you receive a reduced conference registration rate ($45.00). As an MLA member with paid conference registration, you will have access to presentations by the keynote speaker, 5 featured speakers and over 30 sessions produced by colleagues in the library world. All of this is available to you until the end of 2020. Plus, you get an entire year to reap the benefits of membership. 

Please visit our website for more information about our organization and conference registration.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Scholarships for MLA & ITEM Virtual Conferences for Those New to the Profession, First-time Attendee, Student, or Unemployed


Scholarships for MLA & ITEM Virtual Conferences for Those New to the Profession, First-time Attendee, Student, or Unemployed

With travel curtailed and both conferences becoming virtual events, the Metronet Board has decided to redirect the Steltzner scholarship to cover MLA/ITEM member-rate registration for up to 22 applicants in the Metronet region who:

·    Have been in the profession five or fewer years & work in a Metronet member library, or

·    Will be attending MLA or ITEM for the first time & work in a Metronet member library, or

·    Are currently an unemployed librarian & seeking employment in a library, or

·    Are a student in a library science or library media certification program 

·    If you are a student or unemployed, you must live in the Metronet region. Staff from all types of libraries are encouraged to apply. Note that this does not disqualify you from applying for future Metronet scholarships under our guidelines.


This is a change for 2020 only and will be re-evaluated in 2021 based on conditions at that time.


Questions? Email 


More information


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Real Life Librarianship: A Metronet Wind Down Series


Real Life Librarianship
A Metronet Wind Down Series
Curious about the different types of libraries and the librarians who work in them? Thinking about where you might fit in the library world?
Join us in the Real Life Librarianship series to hear real librarians who do a variety of jobs in various libraries explain not only what day-to-day life is like doing these jobs but how to get there.
This would be useful for job seekers, library school students, & anyone who is looking to advance or change roles in a library, or anyone who is just curious about other people's jobs.
Wednesday, August 26
Upcoming panels in this series:
Public library jobs
Library Directors
Special Libraries
Government Libraries
and more!

Save the dates for future panels in this series:
September 9
September 23
October 7
October 21
All sessions will take place from 4-6pm.

If you are interested in being on one of these panels or know someone who would be a good panelist, email for more information.

Metronet: Learn more at

This event will be hosted via Zoom. It is free to attend. Register below and the Zoom link will be sent out the day before the event.