Friday, February 15, 2008

Volunteer opportunities at the Minnesota Children's Museum

The Minnesota Children's Museum has a number of summer volunteer and internship opportunities available. You can see the full listing at:

Listed internships that could be appropriate for graduates and students in our LIT program would be:

Access® Database – Build two new databases from the ground up. One will be designed for visitor comment tracking and the other for tracking staff and volunteer training.

This one is all about knowledge management, database construction and function, and meeting user needs. A good fit for someone with a tech services orientation.

Community Partnerships – Help build collaboration between the Museum and our community partners.

Great opportunity to get to know some of the community organizations that would also work with libraries. If you're thinking about public libraries, this would be a good choice.

Corporate Fundraising – Research fundraising opportunities, assist in Raiser’s Edge database management and assist with grant proposals.

Knowledge of fundraising and grant writing can only help in today's library climate.

Marketing – Conduct research and assist with news releases and media relations.

"Conduct research..." Need I say more?