Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Help the LIT Program

I'm looking for a couple of current students and/or alumni to talk about MCTC's Library Information Technology program at the Explore the Possibilities event on Thursday, March 3. Let me know if you're interested in helping. You could either help in person on the 3rd or by recording a video testimonial and sending it (or a link) to me. Let me know if you're interested.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

LIBT Program Thai Night

MCTC Information Studies and Library Information Technology faculty and students enjoyed a face-to-face meeting over Thai food at True Thai in Minneapolis on Friday 2/18. Thanks to everyone who took time from their Friday night to join the group!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

MCTC Career Services - Post your resume!

Students and alumni can post their resumes to the MCTC job bank for employers to view.

Monday, February 7, 2011

MN Job Posting: 3M Maplewood Technical Librarian - Information Analyst Job - MN, 55106

Anyone have a Bachelor's degree in physical science or engineering? You might want to check this out: Maplewood Technical Librarian - Information Analyst Job - MN, 55106

MN Job Posting: 3M Maplewood Technical Aide (Information Research & Solutions) Job - MN, 55106

3M has a library technician-level position posting: Maplewood Technical Aide (Information Research & Solutions) Job - MN, 55106

Minitex RDA Workshops

Those of you who have taken LIBT/INFS 2200 Introduction to Cataloging in the past, you might want to sign up for one or more of these workshops. Note these are face-to-face workshops, not webinars.

The Minitex Bibliographic and Technical Services unit has scheduled the following workshops on RDA cataloging topics for February through May 2011. Due to demand, one additional workshop for print monographs and one for audiovisual works have been added. RDA training sessions on other formats will be announced soon.

Please note: The workshops listed below are being presented in person at Wilson Library (room S30C), Minneapolis Campus, University of Minnesota. For those outside the Twin Cities region, webinar sessions covering the same material will be posted for registration in the next few days.

New Sessions

RDA for Copy Catalogers: A How-To for Music Materials

This workshop introduces the experienced copy cataloger of music materials to Resource Description and Access (RDA). Descriptive cataloging of music scores and sound recordings will be our focus, along with its application in MARC bibliographic records. Hands-on exercises will also be offered.

Friday, April 8, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday, May 10, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Other Sessions

RDA for Copy Catalogers: A How-To for Print Monographs

This workshop introduces the experienced copy cataloger to Resource Description and Access (RDA). The descriptive cataloging of print monographs and its application in MARC bibliographic records will be highlighted through lecture and hands-on exercises.

Thursday, March 17, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


RDA for Copy Catalogers: A How-To for Audiovisual Materials

This workshop introduces the experienced copy cataloger of audiovisual materials to Resource Description and Access (RDA). The scope of this training session focuses on the descriptive cataloging of A/V materials and its application in MARC bibliographic records through lecture and hands-on exercises.

Tuesday, Feb. 15, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Thursday, Feb. 24, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Friday, March 11, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


RDA for Original Catalogers

This workshop provides further instruction on Resource Description and Access (RDA) for original catalogers, concentrating on the authority work and advanced aspects of descriptive cataloging that see changes with the new cataloging guidelines.

Friday, Feb. 11, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Tuesday, Mar. 29, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


All of these workshops are being held in Wilson Library on the Minneapolis campus (West Bank) of the University of Minnesota. Here is some helpful information on getting to the workshop:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Minitex NISO webinar

Those of you who took Intro to Indexing and/or are in Intro to Cataloging this semester, take note: consider attending this on-side webinar if your schedule allows.

Don’t forget to register for the upcoming on-site NISO webinar.

Back From the Endangered List:
Using Authority Data to Enhance the Semantic Web

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. (Central Time)

Minitex Conference Room

15 Andersen Library, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

To register for this on-site webinar, go to

Librarian use of authority files dates back to Callimachus and the Great Library of Alexandria around 300 BC. With the evolution of powerful computerized searching and retrieval systems, authority data appears to some to have outlived its usefulness. However, the Semantic Web provides an opportunity to use authority data to enable computers to search, aggregate, and combine information on the Web. Join this webinar to learn about the amazing services that can result when the rich data included in name authority files, and other standardized vocabularies are linked via the Semantic Web.

Presentations include:

  • Linking Things and the Virtual International Authority FileJeff Young, Software Architect, OCLC Research
    Is "NISO" a "controlled access point" or an "organization"? Because different authority agencies disagree on the literal form of the “controlled access point”, the basis for associating them in VIAF must be through a more intuitive concept like “organization”, “person”, “place”, etc. Linked Data encourages us to assign HTTP URIs to these conceptualized resources and to describe them with existing ontologies (e.g. FOAF, SKOS, OWL) to further enhance their reuse outside the library community. With these Linked Data tools, VIAF and its contributors illustrate the potential interplay between centralized and decentralized interoperability of authority information.
  • Authorities as Linked Data HubsRichard Wallis, Technology Evangelist, Talis
    As the Web of Data appears, hubs of information are naturally forming. The Linked Data approach to publishing information is one of reuse and linking to others. It is no surprise therefore that DBpedia [Linked Data derived from Wikipedia] has become one of the most linked to hubs --- not because of the authority of Wikipedia data, but because of the reusable identifiers used to link it. In the same way governments are becoming hubs for identifying schools, locations, departments, laws, etc., the library community has the opportunity to become the respected source for identifiers in this world. What we collectively refer to as authorities have the potential [if published openly, simply, and soon] to become hubs for the linking of library and non-library information across the Web of Data. However, just encoding what we have in RDF and pushing it out there may not be enough. Applying Linked Data principles and approaching it from the data consumers' point of view will help the continuation of the centuries old library mission into a Semantic Web future.
  • The Getty Vocabularies: 'Non-Authoritarian' Authority Files for Art, Architecture, and Material CultureMurtha Baca, Head, Digital Art History Access
    For more than two decades, the Getty Vocabulary Program, a unit of the Getty Research Institute (GRI), has been building electronic thesauri containing structured terminology for art, architecture, decorative arts and other material culture, archival materials, visual surrogates, and bibliographic materials. Compliant with international standards, the Art & Architecture Thesaurus (AAT®), Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN®), and Union List of Artist Names (ULAN®) provide authoritative information for catalogers and researchers, and can be used to enhance search and retrieval in databases and Web sites. The Getty Vocabularies grow through contributions from their constituent communities. The Getty Vocabulary Program is a participant in VIAF. The newest Getty vocabulary, currently in development, is CONA™ (Cultural Objects Name Authority), a structured vocabulary containing authority records for cultural works, including architecture and movable works such as paintings, sculpture, prints, drawings, manuscripts, photographs, textiles, ceramics, furniture, other visual media such as frescoes and architectural sculpture, performance art, archaeological artifacts, and various functional objects that are from the realm of material culture and of the type collected by museums.

Room Change!

A last minute room change for our presentation of the 2/4 Library Futures event:

We're now in room S1500 - please join us!

Minitex Reference Webinars

Minitex Reference Outreach & Instruction is pleased to announce the following upcoming webinars.

Please register today before sessions become full!

Go to the following links to

get more information

or to register

Literary Criticism in ELM
Student Resources In Context

History Day Resources

Locating Biographies in ELM

All About
Consumer Health Information on the Internet

History Day Resources




Mon., Feb. 21, 2011

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM (Central Time)


History Day focuses on teaching students how to select a topic and conduct thorough research using primary and secondary sources to give well-rounded understanding and competency about that topic. In this webinar we will look at this year's theme and discuss ways to help students develop a topic, identify primary sources, and resources to use. We will also look at developing a project timeline using the Research Calculator.

Literary Criticism in ELM




Mon., Feb. 14, 2011

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM (Central Time)


Literary criticism is an important part of the curriculum for not only K12 but also colleges. Students are required to evaluate and critique selected readings from many perspectives. In this webinar Minitex Reference Outreach & Instruction staff will highlight ELM database features specifically aimed at locating literary criticism including Britannica, Student Resources in Context, Academic Search Premier and more.

Locating Biographies in ELM




Fri., Feb. 25, 2011

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Central Time)


If you're looking for a biography, then look no further than the ELM databases. Whether it's a sports star, an author, a scientist, actor, astronomer, or former U.S. president, many ELM database offer accurate, authoritative, and educational biographies aimed at all grade levels. This webinar will highlight ELM database with strong biography content.

All About PubMed




Mon, Feb 21, 2011

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Central Time)


Join Minitex Reference Services staff as we host Anne Beschnett, Liaison and Outreach Librarian of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Bio-Medical Library, as she addresses how to get the most out of PubMed.

In this session you will learn the basics of searching the PubMed database. PubMed provides free access to MEDLINE, the National Library of Medicine’s database of citations and abstracts in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems, and preclinical sciences. Topics covered in this session include basic searching, advanced searching using the MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) database, how to manage your results, and how to access full text. Who Should Attend?: Anyone interested in learning about the database PubMed.

Consumer Health Information on the Internet: Where to Look and What to Look Out For




Mon, Feb 14, 2011

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Central Time)


Join Minitex Reference Services staff as we host Anne Beschnett, Liaison and Outreach Librarian of the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Bio-Medical Library as she discusses consumer health information on the Internet.

Health questions can be challenging, and finding reliable health information online can be difficult. This webinar will introduce attendees to quality online consumer health resources. MedlinePlus, a consumer health information website developed by the National Library of Medicine is an excellent resource for information providing a medical dictionary, encyclopedia, information on diseases and conditions, drugs and supplements, easy-to-read materials, surgery videos, and materials in other languages. Attendees will also learn ways to help patrons evaluate online health information. Who Should Attend?: Anyone interested in learning about consumer health information on the Internet.

Student Resources In Context




Thurs., Feb. 17, 2011

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Central Time)


Fri., Feb. 18, 2011

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Central Time)


Gale has just replaced select Gale Resource Centers, with the new In Context family of products. This learning environment provides a revolutionary user experience that’s supported by media-rich content, customizable options, and user tools. Join Minitex reference librarians as they focus this webinar on ELM's Student Resources In Context (previously known as Student Resource Center Gold).


ELM is brought to you by your local library or school media center, the Minitex Library Information Network, and State Library Services, the MN state library agency with state appropriations to the Minnesota Office of Higher Education and the Minnesota Department of Education, and federal LSTA funds under the support of the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

The Institute of Museum and Library Services, a Federal agency that fosters innovation, leadership, and a lifetime of learning, and State Library Services, the Minnesota state library agency, supports Minitex Reference Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA.


Dana Kocienda

Staff Support Services

15 Andersen Library
University of Minnesota
222 - 21st Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0439

612--625-5014 or 800-462-5348
FAX: 612-624-4508

Reference Services

Electronic Resources

Training and Events

