Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Minitex OCLC Webinars

Those of you taking LIBT 2200 Introduction to Cataloging this semester or if you're a graduate - you may want to sign up for one or more of these webinars as continuing education. We use the web browser version of Connexion in our classes, but the Connexion client software is a free download if you want to play with it. Contact me to discuss getting temporary student access to Connexion if you're not working in a library that could provide it to you.

Minitex Bibliographic and Technical Services has scheduled the following webinars on OCLC-specific cataloging topics for February.


Tools for Original Cataloging with Connexion Client

Do you do original bibliographic cataloging? Are you uncertain when original records are required and how to input them? This webinar will discuss criteria for creating new records and demonstrate Connexion Client tools (work forms, constant data, text strings, etc.) that can help you work faster and more efficiently.

Wednesday, Feb. 2, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Central

Registration: http://www.minitex.umn.edu/Training/Details.aspx?SessionID=98

Advanced Copy Cataloging Tools in Connexion Client

Are you looking for tools that would enable you to copy catalog more efficiently? In this webinar we will explore Connexion Client features that can help you when you’re editing a record—covering constant data and text strings, key mapping, and other labor-saving tools.

Monday, Feb. 7, 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m., Central

Registration: http://www.minitex.umn.edu/Training/Details.aspx?SessionID=264

Connexion Client Module 10: Basic Batch Processing

If you want to know how to use Connexion Client to perform searches and record actions (i.e. setting & deleting holdings, exporting, creating labels) using batch processing, you should attend this webinar.

Thursday, Feb. 17, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Central

Registration: http://www.minitex.umn.edu/Training/Details.aspx?SessionID=298

Cataloging Options: When Full-Level Records Are Too Much

Sometimes new items in your collection require original cataloging, but you don’t have the time or the training to create full-level records for all of them. This webinar describes two less than full-level cataloging options— minimal-level records and core records — that can help you provide access to those items in a timely manner.

Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., Central

Registration: http://www.minitex.umn.edu/Training/Details.aspx?SessionID=153

Local Holdings Maintenance

Local Holdings Maintenance - Part 1

This webinar will introduce library staff to the basics of editing Local Holdings Records (LHRs) through the OCLC Connexion Browser. We will discuss the implementation of MARC 21 format in OCLC, and demonstrate the steps required to update LHRs. In Part 1, the focus is on LHRs created by the automated migration from Passport UL, and trainees will learn how to update and delete holdings currently in the system. This webinar will include live demonstration of updating in OCLC Connexion.

Tuesday, February 15, 10:00 a.m.--12:00 p.m., Central

Registration: http://www.minitex.umn.edu/Training/Details.aspx?SessionID=99

Local Holdings Maintenance - Part 2

This session will expand trainees' knowledge of Local Holdings Record maintenance though the OCLC Connexion Browser. Through live demonstration and exercises, we will learn how to create new LHRs - either from scratch, or by deriving a new LHR from an existing one.

Tuesday, February 22, 10:00 a.m.--12:00 p.m., Central

Registration: http://www.minitex.umn.edu/Training/Details.aspx?SessionID=100

Local Holdings Maintenance - Part 3

Third in our series on Local Holdings Record (LHR) maintenance through the OCLC Connexion Browser. In this session, we'll work with less common holdings requiring extra fields, including multiple levels of detail, microform or supplemental materials, and more. For this session, you are invited to contact us with your examples of records that require more than a simple LHR.

Tuesday, March 1, 10:00 a.m.--12:00 p.m., Central

Registration: http://www.minitex.umn.edu/Training/Details.aspx?SessionID=101


Browse all Minitex’s upcoming training sessions: http://www.minitex.umn.edu/Training/

View our complete calendar: http://apps.minitex.umn.edu/forums/calendar.php