Wednesday, December 5, 2012

SAVE THE DATE: LIT Social 12/16/2012

MCTC Library Tech program faculty invites you (students & alumni) to join us for a celebration to the end of a great semester. This is also a chance to socialize with your fellow program students and instructors.

When: Sunday December 16, 2012 3 pm – 6 pm
Who: Library Information Technology Program Students (and friends)
Where: "Common Room" @ Common Roots Cafe. This is in the back of the cafe.
Why: Converse. Celebrate. Connect. Games.

Come for part or all. We will play some games, have some snacks, and enjoy the sigh of relief that comes with the end of the semester.

RSVP to jennifer.sippel(at) or RSVP on the program's Facebook page!

Common Roots Cafe is located: 2558 Lyndale Ave. S. , Minneapolis, MN 55405