Shir Tikvah Library
Gain collection management and organization experience in a special library setting!
Shir Tikvah is a progressive, Reform Jewish congregation in South Minneapolis, with an active, socially aware, diverse membership. The Library Committee is looking for library & information science program students to help with various collection management tasks such as cataloging, weeding, acquisitions, and circulation tasks. We also are seeking volunteers to help improve collection access by members through signage, resource promotions, displays, reviews in congregation publications, etc. Your ideas will help guide us.
What you will learn in this special library environment:
- copy and original cataloging considerations
- evaluation criteria for removing materials
- selection criteria for gifts and new purchases
- circulation management skills in an open access setting
What opportunities you have to make an impact:
- evaluate and recommend new materials
- provide policy guidance
- improve collection signage
- promote library resources to synagogue members
Summer volunteer/practicum times are primarily during daytime hours with some evenings as arranged. Academic year open library times are Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings following the Shir Tikvah Religious/Hebrew School schedule. After training, many activities can be performed at home.
Who would I work with?
Primary library committee coordinators are Ginny Moran Heinrich and Anne Holzman. Ginny is a Research & Instruction Librarian at Macalester College, and Anne Holzman is a free-lance indexer, editor and writer.
Contact Ginny Moran Heinrich ( for more information or to express interest.