Tuesday, July 30, 2013

American Society for Indexing Fall Chapter Meeting

Saturday, September 14, 2013 | 9:00 - 4:30 William Mitchell College of Law, 875 Summit Ave, St. Paul | Directions to campus: http://www.wmitchell.edu/about/directions.html

For the fall meeting, we have invited Fred Leise to come and give a full-day presentation on taxonomy creation.  The morning portion of the meeting will focus on theoretical introduction to controlled vocabularies: what they are, what they do, how they are used, etc.  During the afternoon portion of the meeting, we'll walk through the taxonomy creation process and create a small controlled vocabulary as an exercise. Watch for more details to follow soon!
$65 registration fee ($55 for students, $75 for non-members) includes lunch and beverages (water or coffee)
You may send your contact information (including e-mail) along with a check, payable to ASI Upper Midwest Chapter, to:  Steven Baker, ASI-UMW Treasurer, 6210 Franklin Ave., Des Moines, IA 50322
There is no registration form; your check is your registration.  Receipts will be available up on request.
For more information or questions, please contact Steven Baker (bakerdsm@gmail.com), Eve Morey Christiansen (eve_dbq@hotmail.com), Joyce Poole (joyce.poole@frontiernet.net) or Jan Wann (jlwann@hotmail.com)